Advance The Future For A Better World For All.

NicholasTec aspires to launch three pioneering laboratories: DrivingFuture, The Space, and The Quantum. Our vision is to leverage technology to improve human health and the environment, marking the beginning of a transformative journey.


Intelligent Transportation Systems

Make the transportation more reliable.

The Space

Simulation for Reality
Help human learn more about the world.

The Quantum

From Binary to Linear
Make everything efficient.

NicholasTec welcome researchers to join our community

Research Area

New York


Los Angeles

San Francisco

Save more LIVES

Pioneering Intelligent Solutions for a New Era. Our focus is on advancing Intelligent Transport Systems, incorporating cutting-edge automated driving technologies. Our goal is to significantly reduce traffic accidents, striving towards a future of near-zero incidents.

Save more TIME

ITS can guide you in selecting the most efficient routes to your destination. Reality simulation could transcend time constraints, applying future solutions to today's challenges; Quantum computing promises to significantly accelerate computation speeds everywhere.

Skyland - The Smart City

Powered by The Space Laboratory at NicholasTec, our simulated city Skyland showcases a complex transportation network inspired by the real world. It offers a virtualized environment for DrivingFuture Lab to design, develop, and test their products.

This paves the way towards realizing the potential of a fully autonomous city for humanity.

Smart City Skyland

DrivingFuture Lab

At NicholasTec, our lab is committed to developing a cutting-edge ITS. We are focused on creating solutions that not only address current transportation challenges but also anticipate future needs. By pioneering innovative ITS technologies, we aim to contribute to the development of smarter, safer, and more sustainable urban environments.

Next Event: Hello World 2024